La Jeune Académie Suisse met en réseau de jeunes chercheurs de différents disciplines scientifiques. Elle crée un environnement favorisant les échanges inter- et transdisciplinaires et stimule les idées innovatrices. Ses membres jouent un rôle d’ambassadeurs de la place scientifique suisse et sont considérés comme la jeune voix des Académies suisses des sciences. Plus

Les membres actuels

La Jeune Académie Suisse compte actuellement 42 chercheuses et chercheurs représentatifs d’un large éventail de talents et intérêts. Actifs dans plus de 20 hautes écoles et institutions de recherche, ils couvrent ensemble plus de 30 disciplines. Leur domaine de recherche et d’activité s’étend de l’archéologie et la cinématographie à l’informatique en passant par la psychologie, la biotechnologie moléculaire et les projets touchant à la société civile. Ensemble, ces jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs exploitent l’espace de créativité et d’innovation qui leur est proposé pour mettre en œuvre durant cinq ans diverses initiatives interdisciplinaires et transdisciplinaires utiles à la science et à la société, mais aussi et surtout à la relève scientifique.


Raffaela Kunz

Postdoctoral Researcher
Faculty of Law
University of Zurich

Clément Meier

Postdoctoral Researcher
Faculty of Business and Economics
University of Lausanne

Julio Paulos

Associate Programme Director
Future Cities Lab
ETH Zurich

Mohammad Peydayesh

Senior Assistant and Lecturer
Laboratory of Food and Soft Materials
ETH Zurich


Swiss Young Network for Science Policy and Diplomacy (SYNESPOD)

Eda Elif Tibet

Advanced Post-doctoral Researcher
Wyss Academy for Nature
University of Bern


Marco Cavallaro

Swiss National Contact Point for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)


Innovative Policies for Fostering Academic Careers in Switzerland

Unveiling the Leaky Pipeline in STEM (UPSTEM)

Pamela Delgado

Assistant Professor
Institute of Systems Engineering
University of Applied Sciences of Valais (HES-SO Valais-Wallis)


The Spark Podcast

AI in Science and Society

Unveiling the Leaky Pipeline in STEM (UPSTEM)

Benjamin Hofmann

Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer
Department of Environmental Social Sciences
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)


Innovative teaching formats at the Science-Society Interface

Nawal Kinany

Postdoctoral researcher
Department of Radiology and Medical Informatics, Medical Image Processing Laboratory
University Geneva


The Spark Podcast

Emmanuel Senft

Research Scientist / Group leader
Human-centered Robotics and AI Group
Idiap Research Institute


AI in Science and Society


Jovana Milić

Assistant Professor
Adolphe Merkle Institute
University of Fribourg


Swiss Young Network for Science Policy and Diplomacy (SYNESPOD)

Sofie Behluli

Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer
Department of English
University of Bern


Science vs Activism? Exploring the Boundary

Lerato Posholi

Postdoctoral Fellow
Institute for Global European Studies
University of Basel

Julia Venturini

Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Astronomy
University of Geneva


Unveiling the Leaky Pipeline in STEM (UPSTEM)


Odile Ammann

Associate Professor
Faculty of Law, Criminal Justice, and Public Administration
University of Lausanne


Navigating the media as early career reseacher

Elisa Araldi

Assistant Pofessor
Department of Medicine and Surgery (DiMeC)
Università degli Studi di Parma

Sandra Bärnreuther

Assistant Professor
Ethnological Seminar
University of Lucerne


Innovative teaching formats at the Science-Society Interface

Mey Boukenna

Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
University of Bern

Stefanie Boulila

Lecturer and project manager
Institute of Sociocultural Developement
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Science vs Activism? Exploring the Boundary

Alexandre Bovet

Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
University of Zurich

AI in Science and Society

The Spark Podcast

Devi Bühler

Scientific Associate
ZHAW Wädenswil
Institute of Natural Resource Sciences

Gino Ramon Caspari

Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History

Lauren Clack

Assistant Professor
Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care
University of Zurich

Emmanuel Cledat

Teacher / Researcher
Institut Géographique National

Estefania Cuero

Doctoral student
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Lucerne

Marloes Eeftens

Scientific Project Leader / SNSF Ambizione & ERC StG group leader
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH)
University of Basel

Florian Egli

Assistant Professor
Group Head Public Policy for the Green Transition
Technical University of Munich

Anna Magdalena Elsner

Associate Professor
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of St. Gallen

Darius Farman

foraus – Forum Aussenpolitik

Swiss Young Network for Science Policy and Diplomacy (SYNESPOD)

Charles Gottlieb

Assistant Professor
School of Economics and Political Science
University of St.Gallen

Servan Grüninger

Research Fellow / PhD candidate
Departement of Mathematics
University of Zurich

Robbie I'Anson Price

Postdoctoral Researcher
International Centre of Affective Sciences
University of Geneva

Unveiling the Leaky Pipeline in STEM (UPSTEM)

Anna Jobin

Senior Researcher & Lecturer
Human-IST Institute
University of Fribourg

Navigating the media as early career reseacher

Sabrina H. Kessler

Senior Researcher and Teaching Associate
Departement of Communication and Media Research
University of Zurich

AI in Science and Society
Science vs Activism? Exploring the Boundary

Silvia Maier

Founder & CEO
causable GmbH
Research, Training, Coaching & Consulting

Swiss Young Network for Science Policy and Diplomacy (SYNESPOD)

Lucas Mueller

Senior Research Associate
Department of Geography and the Environment
University of Geneva

Innovative Policies for Fostering Academic Careers in Switzerland

BinBin Pearce

Assistant Professor
Department of Multi-Actor Systems, Policy Analysis Section
Delft University of Technology

Gustavo Augustin Ruiz Buendia

Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB)

The Spark Podcast

Stefan Schlegel

Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer
Institute of public law
University of Bern

Science vs Activism? Exploring the Boundary

Luis Velasco-Pufleau

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellow
Institute for Musicology / Walter Benjamin Centre
University of Bern

Science vs Activism? Exploring the Boundary

Aimée Zermatten

Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology
University of Bern

Navigating the media as early career reseacher


Jeune Académie Suisse

Maison des Académies
Laupenstrasse 7
Case postale
3001 Berne