The Members' Assembly of the Swiss Young Academy has elected four members as new members of the Executive Board for the 2024/25 term of office: Sabrina H. Kessler ( speaker), Nawal Kinany (vice speaker), Jovana V. Milić and Eda E. Tibet.
She won’t be fobbed off with light fare: when she was a teenager, Elisa Araldi wanted to read the scientific journal “nature” - even though she hardly understood what she was reading. Today, she’s an assistant professor at the University of Parma, where she heads a research group for data-based systems medicine. What she particularly likes about the Swiss Young Academy is the dialogue and support from people who are “in the same boat”.
The Members' Assembly of the Swiss Young Academy has elected 5 new members. We look forward to working with Raffaela Kunz, Clément Meier, Julio Paulos, Mohammad Peydayesh and Eda Elif Tibet over the next five years. Their membership starts on 21 June 2024 as part of a formal ceremony.
The project team of the Swiss Young Network for Science Policy and Diplomacy (SYNESPOD) of the Swiss Young Academy, in collaboration with its partners Reatch and Geneva Science-Policy Interface, is launching a mapping initiative to identify various educational offers at the interface between science and policy.
Sharing knowledge, meeting stimulating people and using interfaces.
The core tasks of the Swiss Young Academy includes not only representing young researchers and promoting the science- and social-policy discourse, but also implementing inter- and transdisciplinary projects at the interface between science and society. For this purpose, each member has access to funding, which makes possible joint projects in groups of up to 6 people.
How can innovative teaching formats at the interface between science and society be promoted, disseminated and qualitatively improved in the Swiss higher education system?
What challenges do early career academics face as they navigate the media? What measures and strategies can be helpful in tackling these challenges?
Why do more women leave the academic world after earning a doctorate than men?
Where is artificial intelligence being used in education and healthcare – and what role can the Swiss Young Academy play in this development?
What is science and what is activism? Where does one end and the other begin? Why is it necessary that we keep these two worlds apart and is that even possible?
How can we increase the capacity, visibility, and impact of early-career researchers in science policy and science diplomacy?
What innovative best practices regarding academic employment and career development can be identified and shared to create pathways for structural change?
How can members of the SYA foster inter- and trans-disciplinary collaborations in order to contribute to societal challenges?
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