The Swiss Young Academy networks young researchers from a wide range of scientific disciplines and creates an inspiring environment for inter- and transdisciplinary exchange and innovative ideas. Its members are the representatives of Swiss science and are regarded as the young voice of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences. More


  • Swiss Young Academy SYA


    He unearths the mysteries of humanity

    On Instagram, he takes his followers back to long-gone times: Gino Caspari, an archaeologist and member of the Young Academy. His life gives the impression of being one big adventure. The price he pays: financial insecurity.

  • Swiss Young Academy SYA


    Driven by the fascination of life

    She won’t be fobbed off with light fare: when she was a teenager, Elisa Araldi wanted to read the scientific journal “nature” - even though she hardly understood what she was reading. Today, she’s an assistant professor at the University of Parma, where she heads a research group for data-based systems medicine. What she particularly likes about the Swiss Young Academy is the dialogue and support from people who are “in the same boat”.

  • Swiss Young Academy SYA


    Shuttling between different worlds

    Sandra Bärnreuther - a medical anthropologist – studied in Münster, Heidelberg, New York and New Delhi, conducted research in the laboratories of large urban hospitals in India, investigated how digital change affects medical care in rural regions of West Bengal and currently teaches at the University of Lucerne. She believes it is important to have a “comparative perspective” – including for the Swiss Young Academy, of which she is a founding member.


Swiss Young Academy

House of Academies
Laupenstrasse 7
P.O. Box
3001 Bern

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