La Jeune Académie Suisse met en réseau de jeunes chercheurs de différents disciplines scientifiques. Elle crée un environnement favorisant les échanges inter- et transdisciplinaires et stimule les idées innovatrices. Ses membres jouent un rôle d’ambassadeurs de la place scientifique suisse et sont considérés comme la jeune voix des Académies suisses des sciences. Plus

Past Activities and Results


Regular online meetings - Preparation for publication of paper

We are organizing regular online meetings within our group to discuss and reflect on the topic "Impact of AI on Young Scientists: Challenges, Opportunity, and Responsibility." Our goal is not only to gain deeper insights into this important topic but also to work on a publication and continue advancing the discussion.

As part of this effort, we are working on a paper that will include the following chapters:

  1. AI in Teaching

  2. AI in Research

  3. AI in Science Communication

  4. AI and Policy-making

  5. AI and Environment/Sustainability

Workshop "Role and Responsibility of AI Scientists and Communicators in Engaging with the Public" (10 September 2024)

by members Emmanuel Senft and Pamela Delgado at the annual Science Communication Conference ScienceComm24 in Neuchatel.

Workshop desciption:
In light of the rapid advancements and transformative potential of artificial intelligence, the role and responsibility of AI scientists and communicators in effectively engaging with the public have never been more critical. This workshop aims to bring forward this discussion. It will start with a panel discussion featuring science journalists and AI researchers, who will discuss the challenges and responsibilities in public engagement and the strategies for clear and accessible communication, welcoming questions from the audience. We will then follow with breakout discussions in groups about these topics and the outcome of the panel. Finally, we will wrap up the workshop by sharing the group discussions in a plenary session. Open to anyone interested in or concerned about AI, experts or not, this workshop aims to simplify the interaction between AI experts and the broader community, fostering a more informed and engaged public dialogue on the advancements and impacts of AI.

© Source de l'image: Science et Cité

Workshop on the topic "AI or real? Reflecting on (generative) AI expertise and applying it professionally" (10 September 2024)

presented by our member Sabrina Heike Kessler and Valery Wyss the annual Swiss Science Communication conference ScienceComm24 in Neuchatel.

Workshop Description:
In this interactive workshop, we will start by addressing the question of what exactly is meant by generative AI competence and how it can be measured. Using practical examples, participants learn to recognise the subtleties and differences between real and AI-generated content: Can you identify deepfakes? Do you distinguish between what is real and what has been generated by an AI? As the workshop continues, we will look at how you are already using AI in your professional and personal lives. It is also about learning from each other and reflecting on and discussing the opportunities as well as the (social and ethical) risks. Of course, we also use generative AI as a discussion partner here. At the end of the workshop, we will explore and evaluate new AI tools together to provide a practical insight into the future of technology integration.

© Source de l'image: Science et Cité

Input presentation and panel discussion participation by our member Sabrina H. Kessler on the topic ‘Disinformation in times of generative AI: identification, dissemination and combating’ as part of Escher Talk at Zurich Central Library (23 October 2024)

Disinformation endangers each and every one of us, as well as society as a whole. The rapid development of generative artificial intelligence presents us with new challenges. Do we still have a chance in the fight against disinformation when AI can create deceptively genuine content?


18.00 Short presentation by Dr Sabrina Heike Kessler, Institute of Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich

18.20 Panel discussion, moderated by Michael Breitenmoser, Head of Marketing and Communication, Zentralbibliothek Zürich


  • Dr. Sabrina Heike Kessler, Institute of Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich & Swiss Young Academy

  • Gioia da Silva, Science and Technology Editor, NZZ

  • PD Dr. Mateusz Dolata, Institute of Computer Science, University of Zurich


Participation of our member Alexandre Bovet in the panel discussion on ‘Teaching, Research and AI: The Future of Knowledge and Societal Impact’ at the Association of Senior Researchers and Teachers at the University of Zurich (29 October 2024)

Panel discussion with:

  • Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Stark (Vice President Research UZH; Moderation)

  • Prof. Dr. Alexandre Bovet (Mathematical Modelling and Machine Learning; DSI UZH; Swiss Young Academy)

  • PD Dr. Markus Christen (Managing Director DSI – Digital Society Initiative UZH)

  • Dr. Muriel Leuenberger (Philosophical Seminar; DSI – Ethics UZH)

  • Prof. Dr. Gerold Schneider (Institute of Computational Linguistics UZH)


Participation of project member Sabrina Kessler as a panelist at the panel ‘AI & Elections: What chatbots, social media and deep fakes mean for our democracy’ at the Berlin Science Week (2 November 2024)

Will DeepFakes soon decide elections? What happens when we use AI chatbots to inform ourselves about elections? Does TikTok mean the end of democracy? Or is it all just hype?

Research by AlgorithmWatch in Germany and Switzerland shows that AI chatbots often provide false or misleading information in the context of elections, but come across as seemingly reliable because they are increasingly integrated into search engines. DeepFakes of Trump and Harris are making the rounds – and are widely shared on social media. Will people form their opinions based on such DeepFakes in the future and only inform themselves via AI chatbots and TikTok feeds? And what role do social media algorithms play in this?

We look back at the national elections in Switzerland in 2023, the state elections in various German federal states in 2024 – and forward to the upcoming US elections and the German federal elections. We will discuss with guests from academia, the media and civil society what role chatbots and generative AI already play in elections, what this means for upcoming elections and what we need to do now to protect elections and democracy in the age of AI. And we will shed light on how we can find answers to these questions through research and civil society engagement – including across national borders.


© Source de l'image: Berlin Science Week


Jeune Académie Suisse

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3001 Berne